BA in Astronomy

This program is intended to give students a thorough background in basic physics and astronomy, as well as the historical development of modern physical concepts and the relationship of these basic sciences to other fields. It is a particularly appropriate program for those planning to enter careers on which science and technology have a large impact, such as certain kinds of law, business administration, governmental administration, technical writing, and science education. It is not intended to prepare students for scientific or technical careers, but to enable students to understand and evaluate the ever increasing influence of science and technology on other areas.

A grade average of C or better in the required science courses is required in this program.

Graduation Requirements

PHYS 0174 & 0175 Basic Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2, PHYS 0219 Basic Lab Physics Science and Engineering
PHYS 0475 & 0476 Intro to Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2, PHYS 0520 Modern Physical Measurements
ASTRON 0113 or 0413 Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 0477 Introduction to Thermodynamics, Relativity, and Quantum Theory
PHYS 0481 Applications of Modern Physics
PHYS 1310 Undergraduate Seminar
Two of the following upper-level courses:
ASTRON 1120 Stellar Structure
ASTRON 1121 Galaxies and Cosmology
ASTRON 1122 Solar System and Exoplanets or GEOL 1701 Geology of the Planets
ASTRON 1263 Techniques of Astronomy
MATH 0220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1
MATH 0230 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2
MATH 0240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3
*or the corresponding honors courses
At least one HPS course

View Astronomy degree requirements (PDF) »

Suggested sequence of courses for the B.A. in Astronomy

Semester Term (1) Fall (2) Spring (3) Fall (4) Spring (5) Fall (6) Spring

(7) Fall

(8) Spring

0113 or 0413

  1120 or 1263 1121 or 1122 1120 or 1263 1121 or 1122
Physics 0174 or 0475 0175 or 0476 0219 or 0520, 0477 0481   1310, 1331    
Math 0220 or 0230 0230 or 0240 0240 0290 0280      
Electives           HPS or SPM Science Science

Suggested sequence of courses for the B.A. in Astronomy- Science Communication

Semester Term (1) Fall (2) Spring (3) Fall (4) Spring (5) Fall (6) Spring (7) Fall (8) Spring

0113 or 0413

  1120 or 1263 1121 or 1122 1120 or 1263 1121 or 1122
Physics 0174 or 0475  0175 or 0476 0219 or 0520, 0477 0481   1310, 1331    
Math 0220 or 0230 0230 or 0240 0240 0290 0280      
Electives   HPS or SPM



  Com Com Com Com

Suggested sequence of courses for the B.A. in Astronomy- Science Breadth

Semester Term (1) Fall (2) Spring (3) Fall (4) Spring (5) Fall (6) Spring (7) Fall (8) Spring

0113 or 0413

  1120 or 1263 1121 or 1122 1120 or 1263 1121 or 1122
Physics 0174 or 0475 0175 or 0476 0219 or 0520, 0477     1310, 1331    
Math 0220 or 0230 0230 or 0240 0240 0290 0280      
Electives   HPS Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci