The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers a number of resources to students seeking assistance with the work in their physics and astronomy courses.
Office Hours
Resource Room (312 THAW)
UTA Help Room (304 OEH)
The Physics and Astronomy Discord can be accessed via a link that will be distributed at the beginning of each semester or requested from the Undergraduate Coordinator at any time. Pitt students from other campuses are welcome to join!
Private Department Tutoring
If you are looking for more individualized help, you can request our list of Graduate Student Private Physics Tutors from the Undergraduate Coordinator or grab a copy from the Physics Main Office in 100 Allen Hall. This list is also posted on the bulletin board outside of our office. Please note that the individuals listed are not employees of the University of Pittsburgh nor are they providing services on behalf of or in coordination with the University of Pittsburgh. Rates and availability may vary.
Peer Tutoring (G-1 Gardner Steel Conference Center)
Outside of our department, peer tutoring is available through the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. They offer scheduled one-on-one appointments and drop in appointments located in the Gardner Steele Conference Center. Please call 412-648-7920 or stop by their front desk to schedule an appointment. More information is available on their website.