CANCELED! HEP Seminar:Terence Liberio (Texas Tech)

June 13, 2016 - 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Title: Inclusive jet cross section at sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV and FFTJet algorithm
Part I - Inclusive jet cross section : The abundant production of jets at the LHC serves as an important means to study quantum chromodynamics at TeV scales. A correct estimation of jet production requires an accurate calculation of the perturbative cross section as well as modeling of non-perturbative effects. Hence, our understanding of the parton distributions and the strong coupling at high interaction energies can be improved by precise measurements of jet cross sections. A study of inclusive jet cross section at sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV is presented using data from the CMS experiment. A more constrained cross section ratio, crucial for future studies, is also presented.  
Part II - FFTJet algorithm: Jets occur due to parton scattering in hadron-hadron collisions, and stand as observables (proxies) to partons produced in this interaction. Physical study with jets demands jet definitions to be reliable and resistant to low-energy contributions. The process dependence of jet scale suggests that introduction of scale as a reconstruction parameter is necessary to get the best  possible performance. A new algorithm, FFTJet, capable of performing variable scale jet identification and reconstruction is introduced and its application in boosted analyses is discussed.


Location and Address

419 Allen Hall