Pitt/CMU Colloquium: Loren Pfeiffer (Princeton University)

November 13, 2023 - 3:30pm

Setting a new quality standard for Molecular Beam EpitaxialGaAs quantum wells

This talk will be an ultra-high-mobility MBE growthtutorial, with an emphasis on certain innovations to our MBE technique thatover my career have allowed us to raise the GaAs electron mobility from 5million to 57 million cm2/V s.  

Bio: Loren Pfeiffer is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the US and winner of the McGroddy International Prize for New Materials. His semiconductor samples have been used for fundamental two-dimensional physics effects by numerous researchers, including his colleague at Bell Labs for many years, Horst Störmer, winner of the 1998 Nobel prize for the fractional quantum Hall effect. Loren Pfeiffer participated in much of the history of physics of semiconductors as a scientist at Bell Labs, starting in 1968.

Location and Address

 102 Thaw Hall (Pitt Campus) & Zoom

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