Astro Lunch: Kaeli Hughes (OSU)

January 12, 2024 - 11:00am

Turning on the Radio: the Next Generation of Neutrino Astrophysics with RNO-G

Neutrinos provide a unique window into the highest energy accelerators in the Universe. Due to only interacting weakly, they can travel directly from their sources to detectors built on Earth. They are ideal candidates for unraveling the mysteries of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray flux and understanding particle physics at energies beyond the capabilities of human-made detectors.

In this talk, I will discuss the landscape of both present and future ultra-high energy neutrino detectors, including the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G).  RNO-G is currently under construction at Summit Station, Greenland, and over the next few years will become a discovery class instrument. I will describe the instrumentation upgrades that have made this advance possible and discuss the multi-messenger potential of RNO-G.

Location and Address

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 321 Allen Hall & Zoom ID: 970 7106 8691

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